
Date: Friday 26th of April 2024 at 03:08:pm

Giantability Forum

These are words spoken and written by great men of God from far and near that will either Educate, Inspire, Motivate, Bless or Pray for you.....


Apst Johnson Suleman


This week,the God of the heavens and the earth will cause strangers to do for you what friends couldn't have gotten promises and yet disappointed but this week,all lingering promises shall be fulfilled and you will end in praise in Jesus name..


Taiwo Odukoya


One thing that is certain about God is the fact that He can never fail. The Bible says that it is impossible for God to lie. Go into this week with joy knowing that the God who can never fail is on your side. May you have victorious testimonies this week in Jesus’ name. #TFOLC





Do not despise the days of small beginnings. If you are holy, diligent, prayerful and focused, the Lord will crown all your efforts with resounding success and make your latter end to increase beyond measure, according to His word.



David Oyedepo Min.



Aug 17

Money is for doing good and for being rich in good works and distribution; not for accumulation. Money is placed in your hands to enlarge your distribution to your world, not to enlarge your possessions like the rich fool. - Bishop David Oyedepo #LivinginfinancialDominion



Pastor William F. Kumuyi


They don’t remain sinners, they become saints; they don’t remain babes, they become real mature people; they don’t remain ordinary witness, they become apostles and teachers of the word as they learn and study the word of God.




By: Pearlson

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