
Date: Friday 26th of April 2024 at 11:53:am

Giantability Forum


Caffeine is among the world's most widely used drugs. More than 80% of the world's population is estimated to consume at least one caffeine-containing beverage on a daily basis. Numerous claims are made about the health detriments or possible benefits of caffeine consumption. Although some evidence is suspect, other information is more clinically useful when advising patients.Are you able to separate facts about caffeine use from fiction? Test your knowledge with this short quiz.

*Which of the following is most accurate regarding caffeine consumption and associated conditions*?
A. Increased caffeine consumption significantly increases all-cause mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease
B. Consuming just one caffeine-containing energy drink has been associated with acute, significant impairment in endothelial function in young, healthy adults
C. A higher intake of caffeine dramatically increases risk for rosacea
D. Caffeine consumption demonstrably improves motor symptoms in patients with Parkinson disease

Q2. *Which of the following is accurate regarding caffeine consumption and headaches*?
A. A combination of acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine should be discouraged in menstruating women experiencing migraine
B. Caffeine is contraindicated in patients with hypnic headaches
C. Caffeine doses of 130 mg decrease the efficacy of analgesics in tension-type headaches
D. Caffeine withdrawal symptoms, including headache, typically start 12-24 hours after sudden cessation and peak after 20-48 hours

Q3. *Although individual levels may vary, which of the following is often considered the threshold for caffeine toxicity in healthy adults aged 19 years or older*?
A. 200 mg/d
B. 400 mg/d
C. 600 mg/d
D. 800 mg/d

Q4. *Which of the following is most accurate regarding caffeine and heart health*?
A. Unfiltered coffee consumption has been associated with an increase in low-density lipoprotein and triglyceride concentrations
B. Even mild caffeine consumption substantially increases arrhythmias in individuals with chronic systolic heart failure
C. Regular caffeine intake increases progression of coronary artery calcium
C. Moderate caffeine intake is significantly associated with increased risk for hypertension in baseline populations


According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecology (ACOG), which of the following is accurate regarding caffeine consumption during pregnancy?
A. Women who are pregnant must entirely abstain from caffeine consumption
B. Women who are pregnant should abstain from caffeine consumption during the first trimester
C. Consumption of < 200 mg/d of caffeine by pregnant women is generally considered safe in terms of miscarriage and preterm birth
D. Consumption of caffeine should be restricted to < 100 mg/d throughout pregnancy

By: Administrator

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