You are too Loaded to Fail in Life

Success is never ending and failure is never final. In other words, success is failure turned upside down, and to this end, the line separating success from failure is very thin and the distance between the two is very short, as if to say, it is nonexistent. God has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness, and all things are upheld by the word of His power (Hebrews 1:3). It is interesting to note that God daily loads us with benefits, he renews His mercies on us every morning, and by His mercies, we are not consumed. With all these in place, God is too faithful to fail us, and we are too loaded to fail ourselves.
According to Robert H. Shuller, in his book, “if it is going to be, it is up to me”. He says that “there is only one person who can dream your dream, that person is you. There is only one person alive who can kill that dream, that person is you. There is only one person that can decide to make your dream come true, that person is you. The dream of doing leads to success. The dream of being leads to significance. Make the propound decision now, decide that you won’t be a product, a computer, or a puppet but a person”. There are only two kinds of persons in the world, and there are: a possibility thinker and an impossibility thinker. Also, there are just two ways in the world to follow, and these are: the narrow way and the wide way. This also are the ways of possibility thinking and that of impossibility thinking. Here also is a noncompromising formula for personal achievement, possibility plus responsibility equals success.
Recall that Jesus teaches that with man, these things are impossible but with God, all things are possible. People have come to believe either by experience or assumptions that there are places and countries where opportunities abound, forgetting that opportunities are available everywhere and the only hurdlebetween a man and opportunity is his mindset, which represents the eyes that are opened to seeing opportunities and thinking possibilities, and those that are blind to seeing opportunities and thinking positive possibilities. In most cases, positive possibilities just come out of the blues, according to Robert Shuller, however, life is loaded with possibilities and when, where, and how do people see the possibilities, a need that must be filled, in challenges that inspire you to do and be more than you ever imagine, in problems waiting to be solved, in pain that cries out for help, in joy and sorrows that when wonderfully and wisely shared become lifesaving forces and sources to encourage someone who reads the story.
Possibility thinking has its source in God, our creator, who made us in His own image with the innate ability to think, a characteristic that differentiate us humans from animals, who don’t think but live by instincts. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he (Proverb 23:7). This suggests that no man can come out to excel more than his capacity and ability to think. It is important also to note that there is no extraordinary man except those who think and do things in the extraordinary way. For this to be possible, age and number of years are inconsequential, “I said, Days should speak, and multitude of years should teach wisdom. But there is a sprit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding. Great men are not always wise: neither do the aged understand judgement” (Job 32:7-9). Take note also that the thoughts of God and His ways are higher thanthose of man, and for man, therefore, to achieve extraordinary feats, he would need to connect with the higher thoughts of God, and a channel of connectivity is through a narrow way, which is that of possibility thinking.
We can only connect to the higher powers in the thoughts of God by faith and one important thing that needs to be done in establishing the connectivity for the actualization of your dreams is to break through the barriers of your fears, and no one else can do this for you except you, and this alludes to the saying that if it is going to be, it is up to you. A wise man once submits saying “if I am not for myself, who will be, and if I am only for myself, what am I?”. Recall that Jesus Christ said that the kingdom of God is within you “Luke 17:21”, what Jesus meant is that within each and every human being, a fantastic potential is waiting to be discovered and developed. There is an eternal creative force within you and with that force, you are expected to behave as a co-creator. Beautiful things are expected to come from you in other for you to become a source of attraction to your world. It is important also that you realize that beautiful things are not always beautiful but good things are always beautiful. This alludes to the fact that beautiful things can be seen with your naked eyes, while good things can only be appreciated using your mind, for they are not subject to the operation of your sight, that is why what is being constructed is loved after it has beenconstructed, but what is conceived and envisioned is loved and appreciated before it is constructed. God has made all things beautiful in its time, but more importantly, he has deposited on our inside eternity from where good words that create beautiful things come forth (Eccl 3:11).
“The power that we call God is designed to flow into and through the personality and personal spiritual powers of human being, when this dynamic divine energy is ignited within the human personality, the creative energy of the eternal God comes alive within us, and we begin to experience and express phenomenon achievements, we begin to make a beautiful difference in our world, then we become truly wonderful, yes, full of wonders” (Robert Shuller).
There is always a place for you in God and as long as you maintain that place of honor and dignity, you can never be out of place, for as a bird that wanders out of her nest, so is a man that wanders out of his place. Wandering out of your place, strips from you, a wonder-working potential, making you to become a wandering generality and no longer a meaningful specific. What it means to connect with the thoughts of God that are higher than yours, according to Isaiah 55:9, is that you are designed with an emotional consciousness that can connect with the higher thoughts of God. At night, the creator is free to get into your head with creativity, He doesn’t have to interrupt the television, the radio, the fax machine, or other people. Think of this “the human being is the only creature in the universe that has the capacity for exercising creative imaginations. This divine quality of dreaming what you want to be, where you want to go, what you love to do, projects you hope to achieve, goals you like to reach, all of these make you human and the most unique creature in all of creation. You really are made in the image of the creator, God, you are fulfilling your destiny as a child of God in human flesh, when you start dreaming the beautiful dreams, God Himself, is inspiring in your mind. A radio is designed to pick up the sounds that are here in this room now, a television is engineered to pick up the moving pictures that are in the airwaves around you now, your mind was embedded and created by God to pick up the messages and mental pictures he is sending your way” (Robert Shuller).
It is gladdening to know that when God speaks, it is as good as done, for no one speaks and it comes to pass when God has not commanded it. God has spoken that you are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. The word of God has what it takes to become what God intends for it to be, and the word became flesh. All you need to do is to believe what has been said in order for you to become what God intended for you to be. What does it mean to be the salt of the earth (Matt 5:13)? Salt adds spice to the taste, salt replaces boredom with excitement, you become the subtle and sensational force that brings fresh flavor and delightful fragrance into the unpleasant mental climatearound you, and salt preserves as well, your personality restores the joy of living to human existence and endurance. You are also the light of the world (Matt 5:14), that means you become a light in darkness, an inspiration to your friends, neighbors, families, and communities. You become a light turned on person. You become a cheerful light that replaces bloom with gladness and you become a difference maker. You eventually become the epitome of the saying that “I came from nowhere and went somewhere, I was a nobody and I really became a somebody. I am a bright light in a dark world”.
In conclusion, anyone who tries to do a great thing and fails is a winner because not achieving your mark doesn’t mean you are a failure, it only does mean you haven’t succeeded yet. Failure does not mean you have accomplished nothing; it does mean you have learnt something. Failure does not mean you are a fool;it does mean you have a lot of faith. Failure does not mean you have been disgraced, it does mean you are willing to try. Failure does not mean you don’t have it; it does mean you have to do something in a different way. Failure does not mean you are inferior; it does mean you are not perfect. Failure doesn’t mean you’ve wasted your life; it does mean you should start afresh. Failure does not mean you should give up; it does mean you must try harder. Failure does not mean you will never make it; it does mean it will take a little longer. Failure doesn’t mean God has abandoned you, it does mean God has a better idea.
No one who ever tries to achieve something and fails is a failure because at least he has conquered the fear of not trying at all, and faith is the opposite of fear. God has not given us the spirit of fear, but He has given us the spirit of love, power, and a sound mind (2 Tim 1:7). This mind of Christ is what you connect with through His way to His thoughts which are higher than your thoughts, and takes you higher until you get to the topmost top above failure, reproach and shame. Who has known the mind of Christ that He may instruct Him, but you have the mind of Christ, and when this mind is operational in you, you become a failure-proof personality, 1 Corinth 2:16 “For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ”. I pray that God grants you the requisite understanding to engage with the sound mind of Christ that will eventually turn you into a wonder and a source of joy to your generation and the generation yet unborn. Your circumstances shall turnout to be an occasion for testimony and you shall be for the declaration of God’s praise all the days of your life. If you believe this let me hear your amen, for you are too loaded to fail in life.